School of Human and Social Sciences

Teaching profiles are captured using the following six indicators:

  • Professors,
  • Non-professorial scientific staff,
  • Basic funding,
  • Third-party / grant funding,
  • Bachelor and Master students,
  • All students (Bachelor, Master + Teaching degree students).

These six indicators are presented for the technical universities (TU) and for the non-technical universities (NTU). Each university is compared within its respective group (TU, NTU). The focus is on two specialization indices (RESP and RSI). They are calculated based on the activity index (AI) (here using the example of basic funding):


$$ AI_{ij} := \frac{\text{basic funding for university } i \text{ on field } j / \text{ basic funding on field } j}{\text{basic funding for university } i / \text{ all basic funding}} $$

\begin{align} \text{Relative Specialization} (RESP) :=&\; 100\, \frac{AI^2 - 1}{AI^2 +1}\\ & \\ \text{Relative Specialization Index } (RSI) :=&\; 100\, \frac{AI - 1}{AI +1} \end{align}


Note on data used

For versions 2019 and 2020 respectively, the RESP / RSI values are calculated for all 56 fields defined by the Federal Statistical Office (excluding medicine). For versions 2022 and 2024, a new classification, presented in Fuchs/Heinze (2022a), applies. It contains for the technical universities 14 fields, and for the non-technical universities 17 fields.