School of Human and Social Sciences


Heinze, T.; Habicht I. M.; Eberhardt, P.; Tunger, D. (2024). Field size as a predictor of "excellence". The selection of subject fields in Germany's Excellence Initiative.


Heinze, T. (2023). Isomorphism among Public Universities in Germany, 1995-2015.

Heinze, T., & Fuchs, J. E. (2023). Continuity and change at German public universities since the 1990s.

Fuchs, J., Heinze T. (2023). New subject classification for bias-free calculation of university profile maps. SocArXiv.


Fuchs, J.E., Heinze, T. (2022a): Neue Klassifikation von Fächergruppen zur verzerrungsfreien Berechnung universitärer Profilkarten. Wuppertal: BUW. (DOI: 10.25926/992r-t504).

Fuchs, J.E., Heinze T. Two-dimensional mapping of university profiles in research. Scientometrics (2022b).

Heinze, T., Fuchs, J.E. National and organizational patterns of Nobel laureate careers in physiology/medicine, physics and chemistry. Scientometrics (2022).


Fuchs, J.E., Heinze, T. (2021): Two-Dimensional Mapping of University Profiles in Research. ISSI2021: 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, KU Leuven, Belgium, 12–15 July 2021, pp. 425-434.

Fuchs, J.E. (2021): The three-dimensional activity index. ISSI2021: 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, KU Leuven, Belgium, 12–15 July 2021, pp. 1474-1475.


Heinze, T., Tunger, D., Fuchs, J.E., Jappe, A., Eberhardt, P. (2019): Research and teaching profiles of public universities in Germany. A mapping of selected fields. Wuppertal: BUW. (DOI: 10.25926/9242-ws58).



Stata Package: resp

To calculate the Activity Index (AI), the Relative Specialization Index (RSI) or the Index of Relative Specialization (RESP) in STATA, several temporary variables are needed. To reduce the effort, we offer a special STATA package, that returns the indices in only one step. You can download the package in STATA via SSC (ssc install resp) or download it here.

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